Bosnian Handicrafts/BHcrafts has started, with the beginning of September 2018, implementation of the project “Hobby as Profession” that is realized under the Regional Programme on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans (@RELOADWesternBalkans), financed by the European Union – @eubih and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (@UNDPBiH).
Through well-designed, advanced training on knitting and crocheting, for marginalized women from Vogosca Municipality, the overall goal is to empower women and enable them for potential work engagement in BHcrafts production or to encourage them to start their own business, in order to secure basic or additional income for themselves or their households, and regain the feeling of being purposeful members of our society.
The first activity is organization of advanced training in traditional handicrafts skills, which will take place in November 2018 in KSC Vogosca.
For more information, keep following our web page and Facebook profile @bhcrafts!

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