Certifications and recognitions
Listed bellow are some of the certifications and recognitions received by BHcrafts

World Fair Trade Organization (WTFO)
This certificate confirms that BHcrafts doo complies with the global standards for Fair Trade Organizations and has been registered by the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO).

7th World Summit of Young Entrepreneurs
This certificate is awarded to Lejla Radoncic (BHcrafts CEO) for full engagement in the Summit & for being nominated as an outstanding Entrepreneur for the World Young Entrepreneurs.

The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship
have recognized Lejla Radoncic Bosnian Handicrafts (BHcrafts CEO) as an Outstanding Social Entrepreneur 2002.

Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award – SEA
BHcrafts doo was the winner, in the category “URBAN & REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT”, of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award - SEA, in 2013

MDG Achievement Fund
Certificate for successful partnership on implementation of the MDGF Culture for Development Programme.