Our Projects
Listed bellow are our ongoing projects
Natural And Traditional Accessories for Gentle Skin Treatment
First day of training as a part of "Natural And Traditional Accessories for Gentle Skin Treatment" project,...
Youth in Crafts
Bosnian Handicrafts/BHcrafts has started, together with two civil society organizations – The foundation Cultural...
Hobby as Profession
Another project of Bosnian Handicrafts/BHcrafts has been successfully completed! In cooperation with the local...
Social Entrepreneurship for Better Dialogue and Stronger Economy
Project "Social Entrepreneurship for Better Dialogue and Stronger Economy" is a project implemented by NGO Bosnian...
Socijalno poduzetništvo za bolji dijalog i jaču ekonomiju
“Socijalno poduzetništvo za bolji dijalog i jaču ekonomiju” provodi UHD Bosanske rukotovrine/BHcrafts čije se...
Hobby as Profession
The last course in knitting and crocheting skills, which was part of intensive advanced training, within the...
Hobby as Profession
Bosnian Handicrafts/BHcrafts, within the project "Hobby as Profession", started the implementation of advanced...
Hobby as Profession
Bosnian Handicrafts/BHcrafts has started, with the beginning of September 2018, implementation of the project "Hobby...