Bosnian Handicrafts/BHcrafts, within the project “Hobby as Profession”, started the implementation of advanced Training on knitting and crocheting for more than 20 women from the Vogosca Municipality. Director Lejla Radonic opened the training and welcomed the participants, explaining the purpose of the Training and Fair-Trade standards, as well as work engagement opportunities.

The Training is led by two experienced trainers, Aida and Emira, who have been engaged in BHcrafts production for the last few years. Each participant also received a set of manuals, for knitting and crocheting, which are user friendly and practical to have handy as a reminder on some basics of handicrafts. The training workshops are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, in November, during which women learn, but also socialize, exchanging experiences and knowledge.

We look forward to each workshop, when new crocheted and knitted products are being created that will be presented at the fashion show and exhibition, at the final ceremony when we will deliver certificates to the training participants, at this final manifestation. The fashion show and exhibition will be opened to all those who are interested, and this is additional motivation, for participating women at the training, to bring their skills and patience to handicrafts produced during the training.

For the participants from the training who show interest, there is possibility of work engagement in BHcrafts production, which provides regular basic or additional income, and is in line with Fair Trade standards.

“Hobby as Profession” is a project that is being implemented within the Regional Local Democracy Program in the Western Balkans – ReLOaD, funded by the European Union (EU), and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).